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Welcome to the Monsters Database

Explore the mysterious creatures of the realm

Monster Tier System Description

[S+] The strongest, and the ones on the top of the chain.

[S] The ones who are crazy good at fighting and have a lot of power, but they're not quite up at S+ level.

[A+] These fighters are known to be strong and smart, but they don't have massive powers like the S tier monsters.

[A] These monsters are able to fight very well, just not as well as the tiers above.

[B+] These monsters can fight in a decent way, and they can fend off against other beings.

[B] These monsters can fend off against other beings, but they don't have massive amount of power.

[C+] These monsters can fend off against other beings but may struggle.

[C] These monsters may need more assistance when they face off against beings.

[D+] These monsters will need assistance most of the time when they fight against other beings.

[D] These monsters are not really classified as fighters.

[F] These monsters are not meant for fighting at all, and are very weak.
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The Defiant

Monster Classification

  • Name: The Defiant
  • Danger Level: Safe
  • Attitude: Cheerful, Friendly & Social
  • Strength: [Tier S]
  • Likes:
    • Socializing & Talking To Others
    • Fishing
  • Dislikes:
    • Being confined
    • Drama Queens & Bugs

Introducing The Defiant, a spirited soul trapped within the confines of a monstrous form in Laguna Universe "After War." Despite the daunting circumstances surrounding him, The Defiant retains an unwavering enthusiasm for life, his cheerful demeanor a beacon of hope amidst the shadows of war. Fond of casting his line into the tranquil waters of serenity, The Defiant finds solace and joy in the art of fishing. With each ripple upon the surface of the water, he embraces the tranquility of the moment, finding respite from the chaos that rages around him. Yet, it is not only in the gentle embrace of nature that The Defiant finds purpose, but also in the bonds of friendship and camaraderie. With a heart as vast as the ocean and a smile as bright as the sun, he brings warmth and light to those who cross his path, forging connections that transcend the boundaries of species and circumstance. Driven by a fierce determination to defend his allies at all costs, The Defiant stands as a steadfast guardian amidst the tumult of war, his courage unyielding and his spirit indomitable. In the face of adversity, he remains resolute, his unwavering resolve a testament to the power of friendship and the enduring strength of the human spirit.

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Monster Classification

  • Name: Viscara
  • Danger Level: Safe
  • Attitude: Protective
  • Strength: [Tier A]
  • Likes:
    • Protecting Allies
    • Collecting Weapons
  • Dislikes:
    • Betrayal
    • Sad Topics

With a grace and elegance befitting her noble lineage, Viscara moves through the battlefield with a quiet confidence, her every action guided by a sense of duty and honor. As an ally to Team Laguna, she has proven herself time and time again, her courage and strength of will unmatched by any who stand against her. Though she may wield formidable powers and possess a fearsome reputation on the battlefield, Viscara's true strength lies in her unwavering devotion to her allies. With a heart as boundless as the ocean and a spirit as indomitable as the wind, she stands as a steadfast guardian, ready to defend Team Laguna against any threat that may arise. But it is not only on the battlefield that Viscara's loyalty shines brightest – she is also a beacon of hope and inspiration to her allies, offering guidance and support in times of need and standing as a symbol of unity and solidarity in the face of adversity. With Viscara by their side, Team Laguna can face any challenge with confidence, knowing that they have a true friend and ally watching over them. In the annals of Laguna Universe "After War," her name will be remembered as a testament to the power of friendship and the enduring bonds that unite us all.

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Monster Classification

  • Name: Smog
  • Danger Level:Dangerous
  • Attitude: Enraged
  • Strength: [Tier A+]
  • Likes:
    • Obscurity
    • Manipulating earth
  • Dislikes:
    • Stupid People
    • People who do not listen

Driven by an insatiable thirst for destruction, Smog's enraged personality knows no bounds, his fury erupting like molten lava from the depths of his being. With each thunderous roar and earth-shattering tremor, he commands the very elements themselves, bending them to his will with reckless abandon. But it is not only his ferocious temperament that makes Smog a force to be reckoned with – he possesses a deadly arsenal of powers that strike fear into the hearts of his enemies. With the ability to summon rocks from the very earth and turn unsuspecting victims to stone with a single glance, he leaves a trail of devastation in his wake, his wrath leaving no one unscathed. Though his actions may be driven by anger and malice, there is a twisted beauty to Smog's destructive power, a primal force of nature unleashed upon the world with wild abandon. To those who stand against him, he is a harbinger of doom, a living embodiment of chaos and destruction in its purest form.

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Death Walker

Monster Classification

  • Name: Death Walker
  • Danger Level: Safe
  • Attitude: Chaotic
  • Strength: [Tier S+]
  • Likes:
    • Chaotic Fighting
    • Fire
  • Dislikes:
    • Lack of fighting
    • Betrayal

Introducing Death Walker, a legendary figure whose name strikes fear into the hearts of all who hear it echo through the corridors of Laguna Universe "After War." Renowned as one of the strongest monsters of all time, Death Walker wields power and authority with an iron fist, his very presence heralding the onset of chaos and destruction. With a love for chaotic combat that borders on madness, Death Walker revels in the thrill of battle, his towering figure cutting a swath of devastation through the ranks of his enemies. Armed with a colossal axe that cleaves through armor and bone with ease, he leaves a trail of carnage in his wake, his every strike a symphony of death and destruction. But Death Walker's true strength lies not only in his formidable combat prowess, but also in his ability to merge his powers with a human vessel. In a bold and unprecedented move, he has chosen Ricky, a brave and fearless warrior, to serve as his vessel, the two forming a symbiotic partnership that defies the laws of nature. Though their union may seem unlikely, Death Walker and Ricky share a deep and abiding bond, their souls intertwined in a dance of darkness and light. Despite their differences, they complement each other in ways that few can comprehend, their alliance forged in the crucible of battle and tempered by the fires of adversity.

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Monster Classification

  • Name: Void
  • Danger Level: Moderate
  • Attitude: Stealthy
  • Strength: [Tier B]
  • Likes:
    • Subtlety
    • Loyalty
  • Dislikes:
    • Attention
    • Disloyalty

Amidst the shadows that dance upon the edges of perception, there resides a creature of quiet resilience – Void, a gentle counterpart to the formidable presence of The Defiant. Born from the same lineage, yet tempered by a gentler spirit, Void walks a path of subtle strength and unwavering loyalty. Though overshadowed by the might of his cousin, his prowess lies not in brute force, but in the art of stealth and strategy. With a mind sharp as obsidian and a heart bound by bonds of friendship, Void stood as a steadfast ally to Team Laguna, his every action guided by a desire to safeguard those he held dear.

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Monster Classification

  • Name: Shinzo
  • Danger Level: Moderate
  • Attitude: Mysterious
  • Strength: [Tier B]
  • Likes:
    • Exploring the unknown
    • Accompanying Void
  • Dislikes:
    • Revealing secrets
    • Forced confrontations

In the veiled recesses of the realm, there lurks a figure draped in mystery – Shinzo, a shadow among shadows, bound by ties unseen yet unbreakable. Clad in the guise of a skeletal form, he traverses the boundaries of the unknown alongside his steadfast companion, Void. Little is whispered of his origins, his presence a riddle wrapped in enigma, his purpose veiled in the mists of uncertainty.

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Monster Classification

  • Name: ???
  • Danger Level: Unknown
  • Attitude: Mysterious
  • Strength: Uncertain
  • Likes:
    • ???
    • ???
  • Dislikes:
    • ???
    • ???

Amidst the echoes of forgotten whispers, there exists a specter without a name – ???, a phantom of uncertainty that haunts the fringes of memory. Known only by the enigmatic question marks that cloak his existence, he emerges from the depths of obscurity like a fleeting shadow, his presence as elusive as it is unsettling. The group's encounters with this mysterious entity have been few and far between, each fleeting glimpse accompanied by a sense of foreboding and trepidation.

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Monster Classification

  • Name: Violet
  • Danger Level: Amicable
  • Attitude: Sassy
  • Strength: [Tier S]
  • Likes:
    • Magic
    • Musical Things
  • Dislikes:
    • Obnoxious People
    • Unfair Fights

Introducing Violet, the enigmatic sibling of the formidable Viscara. As the elder and more powerful sister, Violet commands respect and reverence within the monster hierarchy of Laguna Universe "After War." With the innate ability to shapeshift at will, she effortlessly navigates the realms of deception and intrigue, her true form concealed beneath a veil of illusion. Favoring the mystical arts and the melodious strains of music, Violet finds solace in the harmonious rhythms of magic and song. Yet, beneath her serene facade lies a fierce determination to protect those she holds dear, her loyalty unwavering amidst the chaos of war and uncertainty. However, Violet harbors a deep disdain for obnoxious individuals and the injustices of unfair fights, her righteous fury ignited by acts of cruelty and oppression. With a heart as shadowy as the depths of night and as vibrant as the hues of twilight, Violet stands as a testament to the enduring strength of familial bonds and the indomitable spirit of the monsterkind in Laguna Universe "After War."

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Monster Classification

  • Name: Sota
  • Danger Level: Safe
  • Attitude: Stoic
  • Strength: [Tier A+]
  • Likes:
    • Helping Allies
    • Human Creations & Vehicles
  • Dislikes:
    • Enemies
    • Disloyalty

Introducing Sota, a formidable hybrid of spirit and monster whose presence in Laguna Universe "After War" commands both respect and admiration. With a striking blue and black orbital ring that floats behind him, Sota stands as a beacon of strength and intelligence amidst the tumultuous landscape of the realm. Unlike other monsters, Sota's unique lineage imbues him with unparalleled intellect and strategic acumen, courtesy of his spirit counterparts. Gifted with a keen mind and a cunning wit, he navigates the complexities of war with precision and foresight, his every move calculated to ensure the safety and prosperity of those under his protection. As the leader of the Island Defenders, a formidable military force comprised of tough soldiers and advanced aircraft, Sota wields influence and authority over a domain that spans far and wide. Under his command, the Island Defenders stand as guardians of peace and justice, their unwavering resolve a testament to Sota's leadership and vision.

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Monster Classification

  • Name: Ohishi
  • Danger Level: Dangerous
  • Attitude: Unknown
  • Strength: [Tier B]
  • Likes:
    • Metal Crafting & Bending
    • Art
  • Dislikes:
    • Naive People
    • Guns

Introducing Ohishi, a mysterious and enigmatic monster whose presence in Laguna Universe "After War" sparks curiosity and intrigue. With a penchant for metal crafting and the ability to bend metal to his will, Ohishi possesses a talent that borders on the realm of artistry. Obsessed with the intricate process of shaping metal into works of beauty and utility, Ohishi finds solace in the rhythmic clang of hammer against anvil and the mesmerizing dance of molten metal. His creations, wrought from the depths of his imagination, stand as testaments to his skill and ingenuity. However, beneath his stoic exterior lies a disdain for firearms and those who wield them recklessly. Ohishi's aversion to guns stems from a deep-seated belief in the purity of craftsmanship and the value of artistry over brute force.

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Monster Classification

  • Name: Viankos
  • Danger Level: Dangerous
  • Attitude: Cocky
  • Strength: [Tier S]
  • Likes:
    • Fighting
    • Arson
  • Dislikes:
    • People that waste his time
    • Shields

Driven by an insatiable thirst for combat, Viankose revels in the thrill of battle, his skills with the scythe unmatched and his ferocity unmatched. With each swing of his weapon, he carves a path of destruction through his adversaries, leaving chaos and carnage in his wake. But Viankose's lust for violence extends beyond mere combat – he finds delight in the fiery dance of arson, his flames consuming everything in their path with reckless abandon. To Viankose, destruction is an art form, and he is its masterful conductor. However, beneath his brash exterior lies a disdain for those who waste his time with idle chatter or futile attempts at negotiation. Viankose respects strength and action above all else, and he has little patience for those who cannot match his fervor for battle.

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Rasha & Clint

Monster Classification

  • Name: Rasha & Clint
  • Danger Level: Neutrall
  • Attitude: Two-Faced
  • Strength: [Tier C+]
  • Likes:
    • Stealth
    • Hunting at night
  • Dislikes:
    • Daylight
    • Disruptive People

Unlike many of their brethren, Rasha and Clint eschew the thrill of combat in favor of the art of stealth. Masters of deception and subterfuge, they move through the shadows with the grace of ghosts, their presence felt only by those who dare to cross their path. Yet, beneath their neutral facade lies a complexity born of their split personalities. At times, Rasha may emerge as the voice of reason and restraint, while Clint embodies the wild and unpredictable nature of their shared consciousness. Together, they form a symbiotic partnership that transcends the boundaries of individuality. Sharing similarities with the enigmatic Void, Rasha and Clint find solace in the solitude of the night, their senses heightened by the cover of darkness. They thrive in the quiet moments between dusk and dawn, where the world sleeps and they are free to roam unhindered by the harsh light of day.

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Monster Classification

  • Name: Shangri-La
  • Danger Level: Safe
  • Attitude: Openness
  • Strength: [Tier A+]
  • Likes:
    • Ice
    • Anything that relates to art
  • Dislikes:
    • Extremely Violet People
    • Fire

Introducing Shangri-La, a mysterious and enigmatic figure discovered by Team Laguna during their journey through the annals of time in Laguna Universe "After War." Emerging from the depths of history, Shangri-La possesses a serene and otherworldly presence, his very existence shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Fascinated by the ethereal beauty of ice and the delicate intricacies of art, Shangri-La finds solace and inspiration in the tranquility of the frozen landscape. With a gentle touch and an artist's eye, he weaves intricate patterns of frost and snow, creating breathtaking works of art that capture the imagination and stir the soul. However, beneath his tranquil exterior lies a deep-seated hatred for fire and those who wield its destructive power with reckless abandon. To Shangri-La, fire represents chaos and destruction, a force of nature that threatens to consume all in its path and leave naught but ashes in its wake. Despite his aversion to violence and destruction, Shangri-La harbors a fierce determination to protect the beauty and serenity of the world around him. With a heart as pure as ice and a spirit as unyielding as the mountains, he stands as a guardian of peace and tranquility in a world torn apart by war and strife.